Monday, September 15, 2008

Jacksonville Head Scissors

Houellebecq makes movies: the possibility of a film

As usual, Michel Houellebecq confounds expectations, and surprises by making an adjustment at once faithful to the spirit of his own novel, but far enough from its shape.

contrast, the whacked that greeted the release of his first feature film is not surprising and most articles do not even give the impression that journalists tried to get into the film. Yet, as any work a little bit unconventional, "The Possibility of an Island" demand that it looks and allowed his side a priori.

Concentrate on the character of Daniel gutted, we follow its history through the centuries in a very concentrated. The film leaves almost beside the other protagonists of the novel. The result is both intriguing and frustrating, the film does in one hour twenty five minutes.

remains, however, plans chaotic landscapes of great beauty and some theatrics, especially in the second game.

spikes of Belgian humor and a certain gift for creating funny situations do the rest, and give this movie its flavor.

theses defended scare a lot: cloning, eternal life. If evidence is disturbing that a mind like Houellebecq gives full value to the word artist.

PS: I take this opportunity to warn you that the issue of Nicolas will not resume during this autumn. What a pity!


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