Thursday, December 18, 2008

How Deep To Break A Hymen

is beautiful love!

I admit I'm in the easy. This image has been released from the canvas by Swami Petaramesh . And as I said in the atrium it is somewhat busy, I can deliver it to you as is, then, like that. without "parental adversory explicit foutage-of-mouth. "
not even want to accompany it with a rant ... It is enough, right?

Well just in case ...
Close your eyes ... STOP! finish reading the instructions before ... Well, you close your eyes and think hard on what love means to you, so personified or not elsewhere. And then re-open your eyes to read, thank you .

[...] Well, you see? Ok, now you do the same, but thinking about what you think of when a bank. Yes I know I'm cheating a bit ... How do you say, ah yes The "conditions" could refer you somewhat, but hey, go ahead, yes, it's for expérimantation ... [...]

Here! Well now you have seen, there's really nothing to add ...

And go even further, you imagine a "gesture of love" of a bank?!?!

Come on, make me forgive

Discover Jacques Brel !


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