Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Can Waxing Cause Petechiae

foutage de gueuleING

Long text!

I should be wary. A box ... (Already a box *)... good, therefore box, which has a genus name Trucmuche Consultant, I should have been wary. Baste, are ignoring the a priori and let's go. Anyway I have no choice **.

So here I am on the road, as chômiste for a Thorough Review of Competence (BCA) aimed specifically pointed to by my advisor anpe is to find myself at least two new tracks professional history to broaden the circle ... my research.
Here are highlights of the balance sheet and these 7 appointments an hour.

- The first appointments to finalize and sign a support contract is not with the person who will follow me. In my opinion, one that deals with the BCA must be tab an appointment, so overbooked, so no question of hang time for a particular niche in the anpe and will not necessarily be filled by a new customer (customer yes that is how I am called in their computer application).
At this appointment I get 2 codes ROME those that correspond to my former jobs. No more. Apparently, I've already thought about how to expand my research, or what seems relevant is not very important. But it reassures me, other codes ROME will emerge over time ...
We also wonder what my goal for BCA. Answer: find new business track based on my skills and my desire ... In what he wrote about the support contract, the word envy disappeared ... It should not be part of their vocabulary when it is not coupled with "flat screen" or "large-quat quat.

- Questionnaires on my skills, my knowledge being ... To meet the internet. Better ... for me, I am told, rather than spending 2-3 hours in their offices has to do in your own handwriting (but with someone under the other to help me to clarify any questions or answers. ..) It's true that a QCM, to take stock of 15 years of work ... it frees up time for the consultant ... because I, frankly, time ...
Anyway questionnaires are processed by computer, and the result will be printed and read to me during the next interview ... without a primer of intent to excavate these results in maintenance or listen to what I say.

- One day in early appointment, having moved its records, the consultant offers me a coffee. It seems to have felt a thing: he did not have my file ... It therefore falls, go get two coffees then falls on a colleague. It discusses a bit, back into the room ... And realizes that his discussion has obscured the real purpose of his trip, namely to take my file, leaving her only excuse in hand, the cafes. He was therefore obliged to leave, telling me what he was really looking for! And see it through my file to the beginning of each appointment, I sure about it has NEVER opened outside of my presence.

- My CV: requested from the beginning, read diagonally, 2 times before my eyes. It has been the starting point of any exchange. No analysis of my skills, my career ... then to address what is my motivation and my aspirations ... As for my electronic resume, requested the word or pdf format, I first sent in OpenOffice But nobody flinched. Sure he was not read more.

- My file: referenced by a number , a shirt box containing the document which calls anpe BCA, plus the return of tests, with beautiful color graphics. There are also attendance sheet (very important to prove I was there and get paid for the service) which will be scribbled one or two indications of what was done during the time of appointment. With three line inside the shirt, are the only notes that the consultant take. At the beginning of each session, a look at the attendance sheet to know what we had talked the week before and Roll!

- Testing. They say I am a manager of excellence (those who know me appreciate). Bingo, my consultant jumps: it is typical of the independent consultant , look it says here, is testing the computer that say (I'm just a little). Yes, but then, what a pity, these same tests say I have no sense of company, so it's not possible. And in spite of this contradiction and my remarks with two children, an independent family enough, he tried to sell me the stuff for two sessions, with the last options in addition, that of slavery to come: organizes your insecurity by becoming self-Interim (pdf )

- he also tried to sell me another job, trainer for which I have virtually no experience. With a somewhat nebulous assembly: finding a place in a structure insertion or mobilization, try to validate an experience (I have not thus), then train me for the rest ... This implied that even when the public of these structures need not fully operational partners ***. It's like
consulting indépendanting , it's part of his own experience, his mental schema, so that's good, actually! Training coconut, there's sub to be in there !

REVIEW: The only track that stands out in the written report: making a VAE corresponding to my two former codes ROME. Too loud still the guy. Six appointments to lay something that had been discussed at the first with his collaborator ... The 2 capacities mobilized appeared unexpectedly on the written record is fair enough I think, but have EVER been discussed in interview.
7 x 1 hour for 16 hours Tentative Contract Backing ... Me did not see why balance depth skills, it seemed could not be more superficial ... But now I know. It must be for the unpleasant sensation to be done well to DEEP!
See how social security contributions are distributed to consulatingueur my two contractors and unabashed ... Because HR is a market like any other ... The employee is drained
***. When he works, he extorts his life time, and when he is chômisterie, it still makes money on their premiums!

* Yes, I know why this a priori about the company? Well now, a company, its goal is to make beneficial, ante. And in the area of skills assessment, there are associations whose primary purpose is not, a priori, also, to the payee. And as we are still in the human ... the idea of being above the benef ...

** What you should know: providers respond to calls for tender concerning a number of important benefits. And there are several providers by geographic area. Councillor anpe it has a list of first appointment and he scored the chômiste to one of them (for me, in consultation). Except that there's no longer up to the provider's name appeared in the choice. By dint of return, the consultants knew anpe which did a good job. They also did well on them and sent their chômistes to the best providers.
But it was wrong. Some providers found themselves with no one. And without attendance sheet signed, no payments! So they bitched. (Yes, in fact, they bitched because they are not doing their job ... it's hard not).
So now the provider's name appears, even to advise, that when the process is initiated. E
the process known as if you're not going to call you will be struck ... The only selection criterion is the date of first appointment ! Tss is crazy as there are clubs who are struggling with the "rules" of competition, when they do not settle.

*** Note, it appears that job seekers in BCA either ...

**** If one of my former employers happening here ... hello first, it will you? And it is reassures I speak here in general, nothing personal :-)


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