Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can You Get Juicy's At Plato's Closet

Hartzine - Chronicle 4: YUCK - Yuck

Yuck is a phenomenon! Fair, society ... You make your choice. The fact remains that this monstrosity growing leaves no one indifferent, and certainly not us. Born of ash Cajun Dance Party, plus a three-headed entity, with resourcefulness recycles debris sound that made the glory of our youth being transformed into a cluster of tubes canonizing the 90s as the decade musical must. The ghosts of Dinosaur Jr and Sonic Youth prowl around the melodies of our entertainers, smell sex and unhealthy thoughts and more. Title question, the band at Blumberg did not really broken ass. A new self-titled album to store your disc tray? "Suck" is much more than that. Designed in a hurry, but built to last, this LP, image from that of Girls last year, with feedback and redefines the fancy way to enjoy the rock like Nirvana did in his time. A phenomenon they say to you ... There is no
to twist your ass, which has attracted a label like Fat Possum (Walkmen, Smith Westerns, Crocodiles) to sign Yuck is all about the group's ability arranging its edges melodic compositions. One foot in the shoegaze most electric, the other a more refined pop. The single "Georgia was particularly well prepared the ground. A strident rhythmic lo-fi and a sexy duet mixed voices intertwined. A soft grenade that we would gently farting in his mouth. Yet the hits do not miss this album this album is no end to muffle our esgourdes. Get away triggers the machine and noisy sound craspec recalling the heyday of the legendary trio of Lou Barlow . Sublime hymn for all those who in 2011 still wear jeans with holes at the knees and overshirts. The wall pushes one step climbing Sonic Yuck, guitarist Max Bloom giving away to their heart, pushing his instrument to its limits. And leave it to cite references in Evol Sonic Youth that found the most points of comparison with holing out, too noisy and poetic. This is typically the kind of pop song whose architecture seems to have turned to tragedy. A basic structure verse / chorus whose rhythmic harmonic twist in a split second, bitch by clusters of saturation. Nourished
Pavement, Pixies and other Silver Jews, as we confessed there is little Daniel Blumberg at a meeting unexpected Midi Festival, it kept its seniors a taste of songwriting and a double-edged attraction to laments cockroaches. Difficult to do more bitter than Yuck, melancholy ballad which gnaws us to the bone while Suicide policeman demonstrates the ease with which our little miracles come to play with false pretenses. Finally arrives Rose Gives a Lilly outgrowth instrumental virtuosity with poetic touches the divine. A sip nectar loop again and again ... before the end of a bawdy Rubber also abrasive than spooky. Apotheosis erotomaniac and nightmarish visions tearing our teenagers and languishing in a terrible roar.
Definitely, there's plenty to excite the output of the first disc that went over the plays invaluable. Come from around the globe, the four stooges Yuck have put their beautiful bags in New York their gaze is turned towards Seattle. And just because this group has managed to make the grunge cool, I say hats off. By



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